Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority


/ #129 Re:

2014-04-25 11:29

#127: speculators mount up -

Josh has stated the case number and then twisted the facts to better his argument. Reading back throughout the posts it has been proven time and time again by others that have read the report and corrected Josh on his twisted facts. Josh has never answered them back because he knows they called his bluff. Most of the readers don't have the resources to find out a case number to be able to go and retrieve a report from a police agency say like the San Juan County Sheriff's Department to read the report of domestic abuse by the Lt. of Bloomfield Police Department. As to the corruption of the officials of the police and city of Bloomfield Im thinking you will see that within a few months all over the news paper and tv news.

Lets talk about the souvernty of Indian Tribes. They don't have to go by a lot of U.S laws period. They are a souvern nation which means they get to decide which Federal laws they want to go by and which ones they don't want to go by. This would include workers rights and laws of equal rights under Federal Law. How do I know this you ask, I have worker for a Indian Tribe as a human resource officer and I can tell you a lot of incidents involving non native americans and how little protection under the Federal laws and Tribal laws these workers have. Especially if they work for a Indian Police Agency. Think about a non native american working as a Tribal Police Officer having to deal with a Tribal member that has a member of his or her family sitting on the Tribal Counsel or powerful position within the tribe. I can tell you from experiance by seeing it first hand that non native american will loose his or her job within days of the arrest of the Tribal member. With no and I mean no recourse to come back on the tribe for unlawful discharge. That is why you don't see very many non native americans working in the tribal police departments. If they do work in that capacity it is for a very short time and most of the time it is a very easy way to get started in the police field because it is way easier to get hired by a tribal police agency then say a city or county agency.

So to speculators mount up, you have added nothing to the discussion except the same old bs that is put on here time and time again.