Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority


/ #55 Re:

2014-04-23 19:10

#21: really -

First off give me THREE ways how he is "endangering the lives of juveniles". Second, obviously you have not heard/read the whole entire story. The 16 year old that TJ had relations with lied about his age. TJ trusted this kid to tell him the truth and he did not. That's all people really care about in this world anymore right? Who or who not to trust, that's what makes this crazy judgemental world go round. The woman on the back of that motorcycle was intoxicated also. My father, being a police officer for over 32 years and a military police officer for 10 years knows that all police officers learn and commit to protecting all citizens in and out of uniform. It does not matter if the woman was of age or not, Josh knew that he should've stood by that commitment and chose not to.