Save Fairycroft House


/ #7 "new multicentre" proposal is bad news dressed up to look good

2014-04-13 14:18

A recent County Council press statement makes much of a "new multicentre" as an explanation for a possible "disposal" (sale!) of FairyCroft House - bad news parading as good! The gloriously titled(!)"multicentre" is not "new" but in the much smaller ex Social Care building. This will provide much needed adult education venue, but it is also proposed that youth groups be squeezed into a claustrophobic cellar part of this building with sewage pipes running across low ceilings. Serious health and safety concerns have previously been voiced about this building being unsuitable for youth group use. FairyCroft is NOT surplus to demand, if it truly was then why on earth are ECC presently paying out rent for local offices when they have existing recently refurbished first floor offices at the Croft?  A most peculiar situation! We plead: "Please Councillor Gooding (and other decision makers) live up to your surname and choose the correct moral path for local communities because expanding populations need more community learning and leisure space - not less!"