
/ #337 Re: Swale Borough Council Planning Committee-Decision already made!

2014-04-04 10:45

#336: - Swale Borough Council Planning Committee-Decision already made!

No, thats one persons recommendation, this is process and has to be done for every application submitted not only for this build but any that take place. SBC have to vote on it yet and so does the KCC planning committee.

On the 9th at the village hall both sides views for planning will be heard in an open forum and on the 10th SBC will hear views but these are "booked views" from both parties for and against and KCC and The Tunstall Parish council, this will not be open for the public to speak. So on the 9th everyone whatever side you are on must make your thoughts known. However they will not answer any questions they are only there to listen

Hope that helps!