We demand the withdrawal of NATO from Libya


/ #38

2011-07-28 03:50

Libyans love Kaddafi. Everybody could see the greatest manifestation in the world of more than 1 700 000 Libyans in Tripoly. They came on the manifestation to support Kaddafi and to tell to NATO: " STOP BOMBING LTBYA! NATO GO AWAY ! LONG LIVE TO KADDAFI!" Thousands of Libyans are killed by the NATOs bombing. NATO destroyed The Great Manmaid River, hospitals, private houses, ZOO, ancient museums.Rebels who are supported by the NATO kill lots of Libians, they rape young girls and children,kill grown ups and children and they do it with great cruelty. Thus why I say with Libyans to the NATO to go away. One can see video of victims of the NATO and rebels at driada4ka@livejournl.com