
/ #57

2014-04-02 09:27

Funny because everyone suggests that it's been a bumper year for the rods but you cant have it both ways stocks are either improving or not after a ten year netting cessation.If they're notwhy the hell are EA GIA and European Structural Funds being spent to improve angling access and riparian assets and why are netsmen being curtailed for another TEN years.Netsmen are and always have been the scapegoats for poor conservation decisions taken to appease riparian owners rather than address salmon stocks.Are these regulations proportional? Certainly not.Why didn't all you conservation minded anglers agree to a ten year cessation as suggested by the nets in the 1975 FFA Review? Nets and Rods treated equally and suffering the same hardship but no the lucrative tax free,rate free,vat free existence of the gentry was threatened so EA had to find a way of avoiding court action.Catch and release with an added bonus of keeping 34% of fish caught was born.So lets get this right 54 you would keep three fish per season not a bad return on your £80but you multiply three fish by the extra new rod licence uptake and you far exceed the proposed quota for the Tamar Nets.Fair and proportional? Imagine if all rod licence holders took three fish(perhaps they are) would EA ban fishing not on your nelly.