
/ #52

2014-04-01 18:43

I would not expect the EA or their partners to own up to a dereliction especially as they disclaim any responsibility for any loss,damage costs or claims arising either directly or indirectly from the counter data's use or interpretation. Of course the assumption that fish travel up stream on the Cornwall bank was the conclusion of a tracking programme performed years ago and now some what discredited by the Tom conclusions.As any EA official would know the use of rod catch CPUE is not a perfect science as it does not take in every element and comnditions.
Redd counts are no longer performed and electro fishing is only effective in shallow water,so
apart from Gunnislake supporting factors are questionable to say the least. Of course the fact thatr its taken nineteen years to find out that the figures were compromised a fact that mustbe investigated and compared to the annual rainfall and seasonal high water events between 1994 and 2004.I'm amazed that a Minister will allows defra to rule given the facts on Gunnislake and I hope the netsmen will tell him so tomorrow.I hope they will also ask him if he has any intention of becoming an ambassador for the Angling Trust especially as he will give the final deliberation on the NLO.As an avid reader of Trout and Salmon magazine and the river reports I find it unfair that netsmen will be limited to twenty salmon per season while anglers potentially can catch 1 per day between June and October.But this is the usual net bashing experienced throughout the British Isles a 90% reduction in netting effort and a 10% increase in rod licence uptake.The intention is obvious.