Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #1222 more well thought out policy

2011-07-27 02:13

Cattle potentially endangering Stone Circle (Score: 1)
by Andy B (andy@megalithic.co.uk) on Monday, 22 March 2010

The longhorn cattle on Carnyorth moor have been photographed on several occasions grazing inside Tregeseal prehistoric stone circle and using the stones as rubbing posts. Not only is there a very real possibility that some of the stones will be dislodged but that their presence will also intimidate visitors.

The Historic Environment Service of Cornwall Council have been informed by the following email (sent 17/6/2009 18.49; read by Attmere Lauren of HES 18/6/2009 7.41).
“As a partner of the HEATH Project you are doubtless aware that a group of longhorn cattle are now grazing Carnyorth Moor, They have been seen and photographed on several different days within the stone circle that seems to act as a magnet, and also using the stones as rubbing posts. Can you assure me that someone from the HES will be monitoring this site on a regular basis for any damage - as you know some of the stones are hardly embedded in the soil. If there is any damage to the circle then our group will take appropriate action against those responsible.”