Hands Off Hartlebury Common


/ #1189 Re: 1 hours research

2011-07-25 20:44

Steve,Hi.We,in W.Penwith have challenged the science(with expert support)but not received a response other than stereotypical judgments of the messenger-not the message.We challenged the legality with no response!!We gained a Parliamentary Ombudsman decision instructing NE to satisfy our demands but NE failed to do so.This is an organisation with responsibilities beyond its abilities and with an agenda targeted at self justification.Just in W.Penwith the expense of £6m on the old ESA scheme(which degraded heathland --Toogood)justified the current intervention which has EXACTLY the same management and accountability problems of ESA.A failure in the making but far more expensive in financial and biodiversity terms.A simple illustration--the bracken/gorse expansion in W.Penwith is totally due to no controls being undertaken under ESA.The very people that caused this problem(whioh they were paid to control) are now saying it is too big a job to tackle by any means other than grazing.Paid twice but adopting a'one trick pony'to resolve an issue which has several management options which include public access.#1175: Steve McCarron - 1 hours research