Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #1172 Costs to tax payer

2011-07-25 15:46

People bang on about the cost of the fencing but the truth is that it's our taxes that are paying for these schemes up and down the country. The 400 million that NE dishes out every year is paid for by you and I. I do not think people realise that in the context of the thousands of people jumping on this bandwagon. It was not vandalism, I and anbody is in fact compelled by law to remove illegal imediments. So far, we have yet to be issued a caution, never mind treated as vandals. The court hearing was for the recovery of costs, subject to the above because they could not prove title. The fencing coming down and an end to this scheme would save the tax payer a small foutune, locally and nationally.