Resignation of Centinela Valley Sch.Brd. & Superintendent


/ #11

2014-03-24 17:50

As a Leuzinger Alumni, and resident of Lawndale of many years, borne and raised in Lawndale and attended all the Lawndale Schools. I attended all the council meetings and spoke to the council, to please not tear down our Leuzinger High School, which is a Historical site, we begged him, but he did what he wanted, most of the buildings were torn down. Thank heavens the Main building is still standing. During this time it was not known what kind of salary he was making, and when I read all this about him in the Daily Breeze, it made me so upset to see how he could be allowed to receive that large sume of money, and why didn't the school district board do something about this extravagant salary? I think all those people on the council board should be remnoved, ASAP!!! He probable threatened the council members if they didn't work with him, as I heard one lady say, and I quote" Well I need this job" I hope that all the voters can see through him, Mr. Fernandez, and vote him out of council and Superintendent! I have no respect for a person who would take advantage of making all that money, and still not doing anyhting for the school districts. HE SHOULD BE VERY ASHAMED OF HIMSELF, BUT HE IS NOT, THIS IS JUST GREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!get rid of him!!!

Angie Borne