abolish the parking regulations for commercial and rvs in kl


/ #21 Re: Does anyone know how to read?

2014-03-24 03:06

#20: Literate - Does anyone know how to read?

quotes below from the news article. I can read just fine. Basically i cant park a rv in my driveway then park my car infront of my house. I also now require a fence if i park one in my own back yard. You speak of commercial vehicles. how many local business have construction trailers for their renovation business. Crema, Haskins, KPG. This will directly affect them and discourages people from moving to kirkland lake to enjoy the amazing outdoor life the area has to offer. the second quote line shows they arent done with the bylaw yet. If i hire a contractor to renovate my house will he not be able to park his trailer with his tools on my property while the work is being completed?

"not more than two commercial or recreational vehicles, must have required residential parking in addition to space taken up by commercial or recreational vehicle, commercial or recreational vehicle must be parked behind front building line, and vehicle is screened by an opaque fence having a height of no less than 1.8 metres."

"he new bylaw does not affect vehicles parked on the street but council was assured that will be addressed when the parking bylaw is tweaked as it is currently being reviewed."