Save the Kyloe Cow


/ #158

2014-03-21 18:20

How dare Edinburgh City Council waste time on trying to force the destruction
this amusing and friendly Kyloe Cow. After all the nonsense created by the tram fiasco and the ridiculous waste of money to us as taxpayers how dare they waste time and money on enforcing this pettiness on the public. No one that I know has anything but affection for this lighthearted artistry. The Council would be better to spend time dealing with things that really matter to the well being of the downtrodden citizens of Edinburgh.
The customers of this popular place have put up with enough disruption from the 'tram Fiasco ' . This is a world wide laughing stock and makes me ashamed of the paltriness of our Capital
city's Council.
It would be a good idea if they became a little more adult and earned respect from the people who will have to pay taxes for their endless profligacy .