New Purpose Built MTB Trails at Alice Holt Forest


/ #13 Excellent news, please support this petition

2011-07-15 11:06

Let's face it, the developed FC trail centres are superb, each with their own character and optimal user group, for some they are too man-made but the organisation and way marking lend themselves to numerous challenges be it against yourself, the terrain or your mates. The south this crying out for something to complement the Welsh and Scottish experiences. QE Park and Alice Holt are good locations and their existing tracks (especially the family trail at AH should remain), but there is great potential to create flowing fun trails that will encourage more young riders into the sport and perhaps reduce the number of M4 miles covered by us older riders heading for our regular Trail Centre fix.
Don't get me wrong, places like Swinley and North downs are fantastic too but these offer different challenges and you can't really push too hard as the chances of someone coming the other way are high.
All in all, it is good excercise, comparatively low enviromental impact, good for business; FC, bike shops, cafe's etc - A worthwile investment