Hands Off Hartlebury Common


/ #815

2011-07-14 02:43

Natural England and English Heritage are wrecking Penwith Moors (Cornwall) and the ancient archeological remains thereon. with a similarly unnecessary plan, again with little or no public consulatation ! The Moors haven't been grazed in living memory, but NE + EH are funding (at taxpayers' expense) a herd of Texas Longhorned cattle to graze the moors and these cattle are using the ancient standing stones as scratching posts damaging and dislodging them from where they have sat for several thousand years ! Despite an active campaign by the Save Penwith Moors group neither agency is prepared to listen, or even discuss local concerns over the damage being caused by the cattle. There is an almost daily toll of new damage being discovered, but the two agencies involved have apparently decided to just keep their heads down and hope that local and international protest will somehow just go away ! Good luck with your campaign .... you are going to need it !