Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #811 Changes

2011-07-14 00:44

I have yet to here a valid, scientific argument either for the proposals at Hartlebury common or against my claims. I suppose this is what makes unNatural England behave in the way that they do. As early as 2008, they had started to enrage the public with nonsensical plans. The best of course was to allow the sea to reclaim parts of the Norfolk Broads, flooding three villages and displacing 4000 residents.

Since then, their attitude has been very much us and them. They do not take kindly to critisism. That is why the meetings for hartlebury common were deliberatley subverted.

The biggest Question that I want answering is this;

Can anyone tell me where else in the world vast amounts of money are spent to artificially sustain an unatural man made enviroment in favour of a few niche species that congregate there because it is an aberation? Can somebody tell what wildlife will benefit that  do not habitat there at the moment or live in the surrounding countryside.

All this at tax payers expense