Hands Off Hartlebury Common


/ #728

2011-07-09 20:48

Yes climate change is real, but being carbon neutral is difficult in all areas of life, especially if you through LCA into it.

Given where the work is happening they are not near to power lines yet and i bet when it gets to the point where they need to contact the energy company they will.

You say removal of branches near to powerlines but they could be out of date and explain different cuttings.

Cutting of trees was done to expand agricultural practice and the grazing of animals kept the tree cover down, this is why many habitats have been created and its why grazing is being reintroduced to the common to help maintain the heathland, the trees were cut back then and they are being cut now logic would dictate the creation of better ecological conditioned heathland. Change is necessary in environmental areas and this is exactly that. Let them try and bring the habitat to its former glory and see how it goes, other schemes have been successful and I reckon this one will be as well