Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #613 going to plan

2011-07-07 16:34

Trish Haines.
I attended county court in Kidderminster on the 6th July 2011 to listen too corrupt and fraudulent claims by the barrister? hired to defend(abysmally) those claims. This action was sanctioned by yourself , and so we?I hold you responsible.
Of course the council was successful in convincing a bias judge that the statements you offered were true(false representation, FRAUD).

As we/I do not intend complying with the bias order passed down, an application to the Supreme Courts in London has now been addressed.

As you are the leader of this corrupt council,we/I will apply for your attendance, together with full disclosure of pre-registration of titles, and original deeds of grants.

We/I claim that the spraying and cutting down of trees, gorse broom and heather, the lighting of fires, the enclosure(which will be pulled down) is in breach of Parliamentary Legislation; 2000 crow act, 2006 commons act and the 2006 fraud act, all of which are on the statute books and have received Royal Assent.

My involvement will continue, should I ever be arrested, or prevented from lawful unimpeded access to Hartlebury common, my QC Patrick Upward, will be instructed accordingly.

Tony Barnett