Speedy Gonzalez

/ #244

2014-02-13 13:57

It is actualy inborn in certain cultures to destroy and brek everything.
It is partly the fault of our goodheartedness because from the early stages they received everything for free and did not pay a cent.
They stayed for free, got water free got food free received free medical attention for which we as whiteys have paid all these years.In the aparthid years they had better schools than the white kids but they preferred to burn them down and steal everything. There will come a time that we will get really fed up and then things will get nasty.

A lot of these workers just gett paid every month to do nothing nut complain when work is handed to contractors to deliver a service. It seems that top management sit i their aircon offices and do not really have a clue as to what is happening on the ground. Do they even know that the lives of people and their families(of all races) are physically threatened? We need leadership with big cahones .