Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #311 Re:

2011-06-28 17:15

#308: Jim -

The tree cutting now is far more excessive than anything previously.


I have this book and as a conservationist I would say it is very subjective and is not proof of anything. There are numerous contradictions and mistakes. Dating of stone formations, subseqent change to strata and geology. I have written reports and carried out commended surveys before and understand how these mistakes can be made. The point you are missing, just one of many is that nobody has a right to alter the common in any way and to artificially re-create a snapshot based on the information in this book is foolhardy. The Hartlebury commons group like to compare two photos showing a view from the upper terrace towards titton lane. On the newer one there appears to be much more tree growth, however.Tuckers photos are ariel and look down between the trees and so you can see much more of the open space, the later photo is taken from the ground across the landscape, thus hiding the open space. Try looking at the google earth image from 2007 and see how much space there is.

If you cannot see what is wrong with what is being done after reading my petition, I do not think you would have a change of heart, whatever information to the contrary was put in front of you.

We have 400 written signatures against this scheme and that figure is rising all the time. Shopkeepers tell me that they are printing there own sheets as we can only get 15 on each sheet. People are asking to be included and are asking for sheets to take away. A few hours ago one stourport trader told me that no body he asked was in favour and most people were glad to be able to make there thoughts known.

If it is such a good idea, why dosn't somebody start a campaign for the changes?