Hands Off Hartlebury Common


/ #271 Re: Re: My daughter

2011-06-28 12:18

#262: - Re: My daughter

I think I have already stated that they are appalled at what is going on at Hartlebury Common. I courted my husband at the common and my children grew up there. Whilst I would normally condone such actions, such as taking fences down etc, my opinion and the opinion of my friends and family is that if we had been consulted on these proposals openley and had our opinions taken into account and that we thought that everything was fair and square then people would not have any justification for doing what they have done. We have signed the petition not because it was right or wrong to take fencing down but because we want the common returned to its status as a protected, natural unmanaged space.

If we disagreed so strongly about the fencing, we would not have signed but instead we believe it was a neccessary evil if you like. The prevelant attitude amongst my friends is praise that somebody has taken this case up for us, very much the silent majority. When I saw them collecting signatures at the common we said, thank you so much for what you are doing.

Yes her lecturers have been kept informed of all the goings on, they say that direct action is sometimes a last resort whenever due process has been subverted.

I notice the ongoing recent posts which tend to attack steve personally and do not seem to have any bearing on what is going on, what is happening and what might happen in the future. I think that people should think very carefully about what they are saying because I cannott believe that these posts are in any way constructive or representative of the public

It only makes us all look stupid which is not fair really