
/ #34

2014-02-02 18:15

I have read all these postings, and think that there are things need clarifying
Firstly, Tunstall Village Hall. They asked Tunstall School what they wanted, and they asked for a drive thru drop off/ collect facility. It worked fine, until the school changed its policy to "bring your child in". This means parents now PARK Many of you may not know, one parent who turned up early to a locked gate, used "bolt croppers" to remove the padlock. Please remember, all the plans for the new school, with twice the children, will have the same size car park as the village hall, for a DRIVE IN/ DROP OFF Parents will to be expected NOT TO PARK This is the worry, as residents know the road has no FOOTPATH, IT FLOODS, and large vehicles use it. I wouldn't want to cross the road, let alone.a child