Hands Off Hartlebury Common

steve mccarron
The author of this petition

/ #220 Comments page, signatures

2011-06-27 17:18

Jun 27, 2011, 17:16

All it takes is one or two idiots to spoil a public meeting.

All it takes is one or two idiots to wreck a comments page with pointless, inane and deliberatley provocative comments.

So I apologise for the content but it does make amusing reading netherless.

We are continuing to amass signatures in ever increasing amounts and are pleased that hartlebury and stourport traders are collecting signatures also.

We hope to collect 1000 signatures against the councils proposals, which is more than the 60 that attended the inquiry, the 40 that voted, the 26 who thought that the changes were a good idea.

At the time of the vote, most objectors had left the meeting or had given up. The protagonists stayed on and got the landslide.