

2011-06-22 10:48

My most recent visit to KNP was a camping trip. We took most of our drinks with us. Allocation during winter was 3 cans of cold drink per person per day.
just an additional 240 people consuming the same amount = an additional amount of 720 cans which have to be "imported". The food requirements added to this will probably amount to not only the additional traffic of having additional people in the park, but how many more speeding trucks delivering the food and drink?

These truck drivers are not bound by the usual speed limits and from what I've seen, have scant regard for the higher speed limit of 60km per hour. The drivers give no thought to slowing down to pass where you might be sitting appreciating a special animal sighting.

The carbon footprint of the additional "tourists" and the added need for more deliveries will have a huge impact on the environment. That's just one additional "Bush lodge / hotel".

There are plans for 6.

Please copy this link and pass it on to all your contacts and get them to pass it on to theirs and so on. It is the only way to stop the madness.