The World is Your Home... Clean the House Now!


/ #2 The Beginning

2011-06-17 13:43

In 1999, age 18, I moved to the Philippines to live there for about 9 months, my eyes were about to be opened… cause like everyone else at age 18 I believed that I knew everything already. I could never have imagined the real truth about poverty and unfortunate people untill then… From this moment on I started to question myself and the whole world in fact… In 2009 I joined The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait to honor Michael and his Work for all mankind. It’s there that I have learned and found out what I really want to do with my life.

Sure I come from Belgium, a rich country with good social security, but like many of us I had to learn all about life in ”the hard way”, on my own. No parents who look after me or family that supports my way of living. So after many downs and a few ups, I’m still standing tall and I’m ready for a lot more!

Oh yes, I’ve worked in many factories and at cleaning services, even at the Belgian rail road company and post office, I was a dishwasher and waiter in Belgian restaurants and in Cebu, Philippines (for free). There was even one time that I had to do community service to make up a mistake… It all made me the person I am today.

So while I was (and still am) waiting for someone who is willing to finally bring the world together as 1, I just figured… LET’S DO IT MYSELF! On April the 5th I founded Start2Care, along with two friends who believe and share the same message as I do. In fact it all started as a joke but by now I can’t imagine not having Start2Care in my life at all!!