We demand the withdrawal of NATO from Libya


/ #30

2011-06-15 17:20

As NATO attacks continue in Libya, ex US Congresswoman and former Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney went to the country on a fact-finding mission to see what exactly is going on in the war-torn country. ­Cynthia McKinney alleges that NATO has used depleted uranium in its bombing of Libya; that NATO has bombed civilian targets such as Al Fateh University; that NATO has become a "murder machine" by targeting the Libyan leader for assassination; and, by preventing supplies of fuel, food and medicines getting through to the civilian population, that NATO is engaged in the same sort of "collective punishment" that Israel metes out to the Palestinians. Cynthia McKinney says: "The Libyan war is driven by O.I.L., that is Oil, Israel and Logistics"