town of hawkesbury on canada


/ #11

2013-12-11 13:47

We don't need to made Spencer and Topper larger road, but we sure need lots of or street to get proper storm and sewage drain so we dont get flash flood in our basements, streets tht are pave properly so our vehicles dont go out of alignment, break suspension or muffles... We are in serious need of industries tht give jobs to our people here in Hawkesbury, not companies tht bring their own employees. We need training programs tht will prepare adequately our people to get those new jobs. We need our town council n mayor to find better way to budget the town moneys, there is lots a way this town be able to generate money without constantly raising the taxes!!! The town hall receive every years millions in subvention from both government and yet we have nothing to show for it, those fund are invested in places tht give no return, I think it is time to invest in something tht will profit to all the citizen of this town!!