
/ #12

2011-06-03 14:22

People and Especially Officials that are supposed to protect our Nature, are at the Spearhead of turning Conservation into a Money Making Racket. They are short sighted and have NO CLUE that you cannot put a price on Conservation. They have no regard or respect for the Laws that are there in the First Place to Protect our Wildlife and especially it's Sanctuaries. Their only aim is Financial Greed and the personal Financial gain they can achieve by being in cahoots and selfishly receiving money under the table,from Greedy Unscrupilous Develpers; with total disregard and no respect or worry for e.g. Kruger Park and the future destructive impact their selfish financial gain motives will create and achieve.
This Wildlife Heritage belongs to every South African. Therefore Government and SANPARKS must do a paradigm shift; SANPARKS aim and mandate should not be to 'chase making money', but rather to Protect, enhance, develope and advance Nature and it's Precious Sites.Therefore these Officials are only the Custodians whose sole aim and responsibility should be advancing sustainable Wildlife and Wildlife Sanctuaries.Government via Taxes and the Appropriate Department,and NOT Totally Destructive NEW Money-Spining Developements, should ensure that there are sufficient Funds to carry out this mandate. SANPARKS and its Staff, should solely be involved in Effectively and Successfully doing PR, Marketing and Conservation and related Duties. Current SANPARKS Officials etc. DON"T have the qualifications, nor the appropriate experience,or mandate to be following this dangerous, destructive, egotistical, greed driven route as they are. /