

/ #18

2013-12-02 19:06

If we don't make this change happen, it will be more of the same, is that what we really want after the last two years, this is our chance to remove the current not fit for purpose board.

They have no answers, where's the money gone, where's is the new investment coming from. The bus conductors are an extension of Mr Green and Co via BPH & Margarita. Nose in the bag, everything's fine move along now and give us your money but don't expect answers.
Mr Stockbridge this man must not be allowed back on the board, the finances are so off track and is just a place man for the nose baggers.
The boards PR, MH / Mr Irvine must be removed asap, there is so much this man has done to damage the club over the years.

I want Rangers like minded people running the club for the benefit of the team, unlike the current board who are in it to line there pockets.

The current board must be REMOVED NOW!