Ban Tail Docking on Dogs in Ireland


/ #630

2013-11-22 12:09

I just cannot believe that people would still consider doing this. Need to target older generation of people in Ireland as it was considered normal behaviour by them and this is passed on to generations. So need to get to those older people in Ireland to encourage them to stop and to explain the trauma it causes. Most people do not even think how painful and traumatic it is for the dog until they are challenged. My Jack Russell has the most amazing tail and it is part of who he is. However, even my own father would have always considered tail docking to be normal. Somehow that attitude has to changed and explained that not like cutting a toe nail which is what many seem to believe. Only where a tail causes a dog problems should it be considered and then should be performed by a vet. Perhaps if people were prosecuted for doing this that would be better. However, we have not enough ISPCA inspectors in this country to police this.