Ban Tail Docking on Dogs in Ireland


/ #355

2013-11-15 05:44

I nearly threw up when I saw this. I cannot believe this would be tolerated let alone passed as legal! This is a very barbaric and unnecessary cruelty act towards dogs. WHY is the question??? Why put an animal through torture when it is absolutely unnecessary! Animals and humans both have pain thresholds. I am sure a similar act would not be tolerated if it was towards a human. Why are we disrespecting animals this way??  In IRELAND above all places. Are we turning into the middle east??!! What is going on? Who is responsible for even suggesting this?  He should be given a taste of his own medicine to see how much pain he can endure!!! Remove his fingers see how he would like that. Craziest thing I've ever heard. I'm not even sure this petition is real or not, it's so beyond normality!!!