Say no to stalybridge mosque

Say no to animal torture

/ #525

2013-11-12 00:57

A number of factors standout such as the imposition of alien and often unwanted foodstuffs; deception as to the nature of the proffered meat; economic gain for individuals and barbaric cruelty towards animals; and inaction by authorities concerned with animal welfare as they do not want to damage community cohesion.

This form of food could be viewed as innocuous and indeed it is by many people who are ignorant of its true purposes. In fact, it is so innocuous that many people are not aware of what type of meat they are eating, how it is slaughtered, or how it actually contributes towards societal meltdown by its direct funding of terrorist organisations.

Something to consider:
‘Ritual slaughter’ is the slaughter of animals for food following religious prescriptions. The Muslim method to produce halal ‘lawful’ or ‘permissible’ meat consists of cutting a fully conscious animal’s throat while the name of Allah is uttered and letting the creature bleed to death. The Jewish method of producing kosher meat shares this, the animal is not stunned before being killed.

Some people finding this type of slaughter unacceptable, are tending to eat less meat these days, or are switching to pork or other meats which they obtain from their local butchers.

Many laws from Western countries require that animals are stunned to render them unconscious before slaughter; however, they allow exceptions for both Jewish and Muslim ritual slaughter.

Government advisory bodies such as the Farm Animal Welfare Council and the British Veterinary Association in the UK have produced reports and made declarations saying that ritual slaughter causes ‘intolerable cruelty’ and have repeatedly demanded that it be banned.

However, the RSPCA seems strangely quiet about this, although they do have one page on their website that addresses this issue which discusses certain facts, but gives no opinions.

Hiding the truth or merely ignorance?

In some areas of France, Spain, and Italy or where there are large Muslim communities, it is generally understood that during the festival of Eid the streets run red with blood as animals are butchered in plain sight, including people’s own back gardens.

Recently in Spain 300 Muslims were found in an Olive Grove butchering dozens of Sheep that they then hung up to bleed from the trees, and perhaps this is happening in other areas as well.

This barbaric practice is objectionable to many non-Muslims on animal welfare grounds. Christians and others, including Sikhs in Britain who currently have an anti-halal petition also consider the utterance of Allah’s name at the moment of slaughter as idolatry.

One very major concern is that halal meat is no longer for Muslim consumption alone, but is sold to “infidels” in ever greater quantity the world over without their knowledge. Many do not know what the process of butchering an animal in halal fashion entails for the creature concerned.

The Halal Food Authority, a very influential body, now estimates that a staggering 25% of the entire UK meat market is halal, just to give you an idea of the extent of this practice. Compare this to the fact that Muslims make up only 5% of the UK population.

Laws of Western countries generally require that animals are stunned to render them unconscious before slaughter but allow exceptions for both Jewish and Muslim ritual slaughter.

So special consideration is given to this type of slaughter for religious means, but an ordinary British citizen slaughtering an animal in this fashion risks legal repercussions.

Bodies, like the Farm Animal Welfare Council and the British Veterinary Association in the UK, have made declarations saying that ritual slaughter causes ‘intolerable cruelty’, making repeated demands for it to be banned. They remain largely ignored. The rights to conduct this barbaric butchery are upheld even if they are directly contrary to the laws that the rest of the country must follow and obey or risk fines and other legal repercussions.

The Muslim Council of Britain claims that most halal meat comes from stunned animals, but in reality a very low voltage is used in their electrocution, resulting in inadequate stunning. Halal is a multi-billion dollar industry, and growing – a money making scheme for those who say these prayers while they are paid to do so.

If an abattoir refuses to slaughter by this method the halal certificate is withdrawn and pressures are put upon the company. Local imams have been reported to tell their faithful to boycott the abattoir concerned.

There was one case where an abattoir paid the fees for halal certification and then was told that all his transport must also be halal or blessed by the Imam. The owner refused, feeling that this was ridiculous and such pressure was bought on him that in the end he paid but eventually closed the business down.

The principle of “zakat” in Islamic law makes it obligatory for all Muslims to give 2.5% of their income to charity – in aid of their co-religionists. Zakat has to be distributed among eight categories of recipients, one of which is the jihadists fighting in Allah’s cause. This quote is from Mission Islam:

“Zakat can be given in the path of Allah. By this is meant to finance a Jihad effort in the path of Allah, not for Jihad for other reasons.

“The fighter (mujahid) will be given as salary what will be enough for him. If he needs to buy arms or some other supplies related to the war effort, Zakat money should be used provided the effort is to raise the banner of Islam.”

According to Islamic law, it is not permissible for Islamic organizations providing halal certification not to pay zakat, which under Islamic law is obligatory on the fees charged. Therefore, whenever you buy halal-certified products increasingly found in Western countries you could be indirectly contributing to Islamic terrorists or possibly even al-Qaeda-linked groups and so on.

There is another aspect to this trade in barbarity. Twenty five traditional butcher shops in Britain are now closing a month because they cannot compete with larger supermarkets. In the year 2000 there were 9000 traditional butchers in England, however now the figure is around 5000.

More disturbing is that these major stores sell halal meat without making the consumer aware of this, including Marks and Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose and the Co-op. Fast food outlets such as KFC, Nandos, Subway, Dominos Pizza and Pizza Hut sell halal without necessarily telling their customers.

In summary, although halal is on its surface an animal cruelty concern, it is also a crucial area of conflict between the West and those who would like to impose Islam, literally, down our throats. It empowers Muslims culturally, ideologically, politically and economically in a terrifying way.

If you are concerned whether the meat you are consuming is halal, ask, but even better, visit your local traditional neighborhood butcher. If you are opposed to this type of brutal slaughter of animals, boycott stores and fast food outlets mentioned above wherever possible, at least for meat products.