Ban Tail Docking on Dogs in Ireland


/ #86

2013-11-11 15:52

This possible incoming law is an actual disgrace!!! Tail docking, de-clawing and even cropped ears is beyond cruel and I'm shocked that in todays day and age this is actually happening! It's like we're in the dark ages! Seems the word 'humanity' means absolutely nothing as it's us humans that cause these poor defenseless animals to suffer day to day because of the SERIOUS lack of education! And this is all for image?!!... It's absolutely disgusting that these poor animals land in the hand of these scumbags! ...They should really start thinking about tightening up on animal welfare laws in general! I'm shocked at The Kennel Club as it seems ANY dodgey 'so called breeder' can get papers to sell on these poor innocent puppies, it's a money racket and sickening how animals, dogs in this case are treated in general. This being banned could be a start, but it is an obvious one and ridiculous that this is where we are still at when theres so much else to fix!