Say no to stalybridge mosque

Average Bloke livin' int Bridge.

/ #363 Re:

2013-10-27 17:13

#362: -

More than half a brain ? less than a full brain ? Where do you fit into this debate ? Clearly you are not doing as as I urged and that is to question . . . 'Am I a racist ?'. I can only assume you fall into the category somewhere between half a brain and a full brain . .  It is and was not my intention to engage battle with the likes of you but am happy to as you clearly communicate well. You simply communicate the wrong things. Use your communicative skills in a more pro-active way and you will sleep at night, you will wake up feeling like you did something that benefitted your home town and you will not wonder . . 'Am I making a difference ?' The energy that your insecurity creates could be used in such a positive way but you fail to see that. Think about it . . . .