Say no to stalybridge mosque

Average Bloke livin' int Bridge.

/ #361 Not on my doorstep ?

2013-10-27 15:59

To silence those who consider education a right to voice an opinion, to those who comment without knowledge of the facts, to those who feel they have been let down by the very people they elected to represent them I would simply ask . . . .'How would you react to a development such as this at the end of your street ?' I have read comments of fear, change, racism, hillbillyism, fascism, nationalism and parochialism. Stalybridge has a strong and cohesive community and should be using this strength to create an even stronger local community. If you truly feel that the Muslim/Islamic community will gain a stronghold in Stalybridge then it is through our own weaknesses. Be strong in our own community, support what it is we consider worthy and this will pale into insignificance to the majority. Concentrate our efforts into what we want and not what we don't want and we will reap the rewards. If like me you consider yourself not to be a racist, if like me you have read the comments here, if like me you are a rational and free-thinking person then I am sure you will be asking yourself . . .'Am I a racist?' Maybe all those that comment here should ask themselves the same . . yes, the lefties and do-gooders also. After all without input from both sides this debate would not be taking place so maybe they too are equally guilty of inciting the intolerance demonstrated here. I would urge you all to consider what you write here with thought before you do so. To conclude with my own thoughts . . . given that Stalybridge does have such a strong and cohesive community then the best way to break that down is through 'divided rule', this is a clear and cut example of that and once our community has been taken apart through division then we will all kneel to the almighty power that is TMBC, think about it . . . who is the greater enemy to our town ??