Say no to stalybridge mosque


/ #357

2013-10-27 11:17

definitely a good thing. Stalybridge folk are long time Labour and Tory voters. Now they can have a real taste of their policies and ideology rather than the odd quaint little takeaway or balti restaurant here & there. Take a look at other parts of Manchester - do you seriously think that what is happening there won't eventually land on your doorsteps?? If you'd bothered to look at population trends and birth rates in modern Britain then you might be aware of the fact that in half a century or so Britain will be a majority muslim country. Bit silly in the face of that to fuss over a tiny mosque in 2013 finding its way into your backyard when your grandkids are going to be finding themselves to be a minority in their own native homeland.

No doubt nestled out on a limb beside the more remote southern pennines you all thought you could keep the other side of enrichment at arm's length. Now you're going to have to think again. Sorry people but that's diversity for you, and the agenda of the politicians has been plain for all to see for many years. If this bit of unpleasant news is a bitter pill to swallow then you can drown out the misery with those halal takeaways you're happy to buy whilst watching a game of your multicultural football. With that light relief the changing face of your country rarely ever seems to bother the average Brit much these days. what do they call it.... chickens coming home to roost.

ps - if you that displeased then perhaps you should communicate your mis-givings to the local Labour / Tory fraternity you put in power, I'm sure you'll get a sympathetic ear. Long time antifa Councillor Jonnyboy Tayloy might be one good place to start.