Say no to stalybridge mosque


/ #338

2013-10-26 09:58

After reading some of the later comments on here I'm shocked that others get tarred with the same brush as others ,I'm not a sit at home mother,i work 55 hours a week with in 5 minutes walk of this planned mosque ,I am well educated and I've spent more time working within Muslim communities than most have spent in work ,I'm not some young lad so my points come from what I can class is life experience's with in said areas , yes some Muslim people are nice and friendly ,I speak to one everyday and have a chat before work ,but most look down on white people as they are beneath them because of their lesser faith , I have already said this in stalybridge will cause problems these two faiths or ways of life %95 of the time do not integrate well ,and as Stalybridge has enough problems that is why I voted no ,and will continue to fight to stop this . I'm close friends with the Chief super of West Yorks police and understand the problems they face with the magic RACE CARD which seems to be a easy way out when things down go a certain races way .
If people think my comments are unjust spend time in parts of Oldham ,Bradford and Leeds and go and witness first hand the tensions cause between cultures who have BEEN FORCED to interact. people are blind if they think this will end well if its allowed to go ahead