Say no to stalybridge mosque


/ #326

2013-10-25 21:15

this shouldn't happen for various reasons. 1-there isn't a big enough muslim community in stalybridge to warrent such a place. 2-the traffic going up to mottram rd is bad enough for a few hours each day as it is. 3-the people who live around there and especially on castle hall view/court already have to put up with people going to stalybridge and picking up children from the school but parking up on the square, this will definately get worse if the mosque goes ahead. 4-there are people living within yards of that site, i doubt very much that they would like to listen to call to prayer 5 times a day, not to mention the actual praying, if this was a christian place of worship applying for permission in a muslim area i have no doubt that they would be turned down flat because it doesn't make sense, just like this. They are just a few minor points, i could come up with a whole lot more.