Say no to stalybridge mosque


/ #301 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

2013-10-25 15:14

#299: - Re: Re: Re: Re:

Hes forgot what he joined the forces for... I am not being dis-respectful, as you may (or may not) be able to read, i Thanked him for what he had done.
Joseph Kony and his family - have been linked with 2 million deaths and affected many more people using Children from ages of 6-18 in his "army" in the last 20-30 years never mind the 14th century, imagine if his family reign started that far back, who do you think would be worse? what my point is, there is things outside of your one dimensional Thought process that are worse than what you believe islam is. A SMALL minority cause violence, not ALL. just the same as anybody else.
P.s That one dimensional thought process was not an attack on you, i merely mean your not thinking from other points of views on this.