Stop the Gun Range at Rocksberg! Sign this Petition!


/ #14 I support the Rocksberg Rifle Range

2013-10-19 04:08

1. Disturbing the animals is Rubbish. Cows wonder around near the range regularly. We obviously cease fire if they get close, until they move away. The other day at our pistol range, a butcher bird flew straight in just after we stopped shooting. Again we had a cease fire until it moved on. Murrumba is being closed down because it supposedly disturbs the horses..I've seen them eating right by the fence while shooting was going on. I've had horses for over twenty years, and they looked pretty relaxed to me.
2. The range might be on an allocated 7 acres, but it has hundreds of acres of buffer zone around it.
3. You have more chance being pecked to death by a chicken than by getting hit with a stray bullet at Rocksberg. It's a very safe sport, much safer than most..for participants and non-participants.