Keep Thundercracker Exclusive and Recall the Impostor

Elias Weskerson, not a trueTransformers fan

/ #110 I'm a jackass!

2011-04-01 23:25

I have suddenly had an epiphany and will be withdrawing my case. I realize that I am a complete douchebag who really should not be going to so much trouble over something as trivial as a variant in a toy. I clearly am opinionated and a fucked up individual who really needs to move out of my mother's basement. I call people who have served this country with dignity and put their lives on the line child molesters because I don't have the balls to admit I'm a piece of shit individual who can not stand up to him. I also make baseless claims that I'm somehow Chuck Norris and can take on an entire convention of Transformer fans, all of whom will probably want to deal me great physical harm if not outright kill me. Thus, I am too much of a coward to show up to said event and will be selling all my Botcon Thundercrackers on eBay for bargain prices. Thank you.

The REAL Elias Weskerson a.k.a. Crybaby Asspants