
/ #18 The sad truth about how it works

2011-04-01 14:01

Strychnine poisoning can be fatal to humans and animals and can occur by inhalation, swallowing or absorption through eyes or mouth, as explained above. ******* It produces some of the most dramatic and painful symptoms of any known toxic reaction. ****** For this reason, strychnine poisoning is often used in literature and film. It is also used as a rodenticide, but unfortunately it isn’t specific for unwanted pests. Nux vomica seeds are effective only when they are crushed or chewed before swallowing. As the pericarp is quite hard and indigestible, if whole seeds are taken through mouth without chewing than usually there won’t be poisoning symptoms seen. The following are the main features:

1.A severe nausea is seen, which may include vomiting due to the bitter taste.
2.Since the whole nervous system is excited, convulsions affect all the muscles. They keep on coming, intervals become shorter and convulsions stay longer.
3.The face is cyanosed, wears an apprehensive look of impending death. Eyes are staring and eye balls become prominent, also the pupils are dilated. This is all due to spasm of facial muscles. The froth may be seen on the face.
4.The body may be seen arch-shapes in following postures:
1.Opisthotonus: Hyperextension. The person may be resting on heels and occipit.
2.Emprosthotonos: The spasm of abdominal muscles may bend the body forward.
3.Pleurothotonos: The body may be flexed to one side.
5.******** The person/amimal is conscious and the mind is clear untill death.
6.There is an immense reflex excitability. Even a small stimulus like light, noise or movement of the body may throw it into a spate of convulsions.
7.Death usually occurs due to asphyxia as respiration is affected by muscle spasm.