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/ #104 Poor smelly yelly she didn't made it on maxim joke 100 list 2013

2013-06-10 16:52

Whoaa loser,calm down.. I'm not talking bout who`s older,I'm talking bout the image they've been made! So I don't give a shit if ashley older than barbs but in the end people always knows her as the disney star, a kid star.. Ended in joke magz, same crap with smelly yelly.

Have ya read maxim this year 100 hot list? WoW job for miley cyrus be #1 hottest babe in maxims joke. There's selena , too. I told you, its a kid invasion. But somehow I watched a show that smelly yelly commented to this so jelously and said she's won becuz of her rebel shorty hair thingy,how lame barbie! Just because this year you don't even get into the list then you could talk crap about girl that had same crap with you! its a Food Chain and your time to joke is over! You can't blame maxim becuz they did the same thing to you in past years they put you there because you got the overrated push from WWE (by sleep with backstage people, executives), stole torrie clothes, movement, gimmick, and made it kinda lame to be the fake champion! eeewwww crap! At least miley didn't sleep with maxims executive to be #1 hottest babe!
When Barb left WWE = forgetfull and trash, unlike torrie, the one who remains one of most beautiful and sexiest divas that standing next to sable,The Hottest Playboy Bunny !