Let's give 'The A-Team' a Sequel!

Karen Coombs

/ #3 Re: Let's show the actors we care!

2011-03-13 05:47

#1: Natalie Harris - Let's show the actors we care! 

Absolutely! Liam, Bradley, Sharlto, and Rampage were fantastic.   Sharlto is sooooo crazy talented and he did such a fantastic job playing my favorite A-Team member.  Dwight set the bar high for anyone else playing Murdock and Sharlto was perfect.  I said from the start that Bradley was the perfect choice for Face (reinforced after seeing him in The Hangover) and didn't disappoint.  Liam is so different from George Peppard but he did such a great job playing Hannibal and really captured the Jazz at a couple of points.  Rampage did a very good job.  It wasn't just an immitation of Mr. T.  He gave a BA that was true to the iconic original but also his own. 


I loved the movie.  I saw it three times in the theatre and have the dvd, which I have watched numerous times.  I really, really want to see a sequel.  If garbage like The Expendables (I really wanted my money back from that) can get a sequel then the A-Team totally deserves one.  The first movie told the origin story.  Now we need to see them as soldiers of fortune! 

Sequel, Sequel, Sequel!!!!