Petition for the August 1st Calendar


/ #438 February Break 2012

2011-02-27 17:31

This year (2011) Paulding County was supposed to have this past week off (same as us). But, because of the snow days, they held school. However, students who were going away were given excused absences due to the change.

For those of you who have already booked your vacations, go. People do it all the time. At my school we had a family go to DisneyWorld the week of the 7th.

The state is talking about furlough days again for next year. I heard it could be as high as 20. If that comes to be, maybe we will all be happy: start August 15th; furlough a week in September; furlough the week before Christmas; furlough the week in February; Lord knows when the fourth week could be.

Bottom line is we should all be concerned about who will be in our classrooms and how many students will be in each class. When we get breaks should be so far down on the list. We need to make sure we have teachers in the classrooms.