
/ #15 $ 737,000 per soldier per year in Afghanistan

2011-02-24 19:16

We can afford to pay $ 737,000 per soldier per year to help people in Afghanistan but we can't afford to provide clean drinking water and sewage services to our own people ?  This is one more  clear example of a national injustice.  Shame on us.



February 23, 2011

Canadian corporals eligible for Afghan training mission (– costs $ 737,000 per soldier per year)
By MERCEDES STEPHENSON, Parliamentary Bureau

Canada has based rotations of up to 3,000 soldiers at a time out of Kandahar in the Taliban-infested southern part of Afghanistan. From there, Canadians have been mounting combat operations for nearly a decade, suffering more than 150 killed and hundreds more wounded.
Now, Canada will move its main base to the country’s capital, Kabul – still a dangerous place, but less so than Kandahar.

There, about 950 military trainers and support personnel will be based until 2014 to help train the Afghan National Army. Officials have said the training mission is likely to cost $700 million a year.

Note : is the correct figure $700 million / 950 soldiers = $ 737,000 per soldier per year?