Expel Carolina Foster from East Carolina University

Caroline Foster is a transfer sophomore student at East Carolina University who lives in College Hill Suites. Caroline Foster has the right to come to Greenville and be a student at East Carolina University like anyone else until she commits a heinous act. Caroline Foster has shaken up the Greenville/East Carolina University community with false sexual assault allegations. Caroline Foster has told the whole East Carolina University community that she was sexually assaulted by Silas Ritter. Caroline Foster has continued to slander and defamate the name of Silas Ritter by claiming he forcingly put his male genitalia in her mouth when that did not happen. Caroline Foster and Silas Ritter both consented to have a sexual relationship at the time when Silas Ritter came over to College Hill Suites to meet up with Caroline. Caroline Foster is acting out and making false sexual assault allegations because Silas Ritter blocked Caroline Foster because he did not want to continue the sexual relationship with Caroline Foster. Because Silas Ritter has blocked Caroline Foster, she has made false allegations claiming Silas Ritter sexually assaulted her. These false allegations have negatively hurt the name of Silas Ritter. Silas Ritter's name has been indefinitely harmed by the false words posted by Caroline Foster on social media. Silas Ritter has been able to gather screenshots of evidence proving she was not sexually assaulted. There is a screenshot that states exactly: "He didn't rape me or anything" and another screenshot from her girls chat that states exactly: "I'll defend a lying woman about sexual assault before I defend any man thats accused of it and that's on my unstable blood sugars." The fact that Silas Ritter is innocent is present in the air. Silas Ritter has been the target of harassment and threats since Caroline Foster gave off false allegations. Silas Ritter does not even feel safe as a student as death threats and other threats of harms have surfaced his way. The safety for Silas Ritter as an East Carolina University student has been compromised due her to lies and false sexual assault allegations. Silas Ritter is not the only student that feels unsafe on campus due to Caroline Foster and her false allegations. Male and female students both feel unsafe on East Carolina University campus due to this situation. Caroline Foster should not be on student at East Carolina University as she has made a number of students on campus uncomfortable. The dismissal of Caroline Foster is needed and should be imminent as she has shaken up the Pirate Community. It is clear that Caroline Foster must be removed from East Carolina University!

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