Traffic enforcers extort money from motorists on a daily basis for flimsy and simple "traffic violations" because they possess the worst government instrument-a booklet of Traffic Citation Tickets. These fraffic enforcers are always positioned in the vicinity of traffic lights, entrances to underpasses and along major roads. There are 88 types of traffic violations which are all at the discretion and judgement call of ill trained or uneducated traffic enforcers. When accosted, arguing with them is futile. IT IS ABOUT TIME THE NATIONAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTED IN SMART CCTV CAMERAS TO MANAGE TRAFFIC FLOW AND GO AFTER TRAFFIC VIOLATORS. Traffic enforcers should be just managing traffic, responding to traffic accidents and providing assistance to motorists in distress. Public transport associations should be the ones to police their ranks and set up a disciple mechanism amog their members.

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