Demand Sasol Reduce Toxic Emissions, and prioritise the affected communities

  1. Message**
    We, the undersigned, demand that **Sasol** take immediate action to:
    1. **End Harmful Pollution**: Drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, sulfur dioxide (SO₂), and toxic wastewater discharges from Sasol’s Secunda a.There is an individual who is suffering from a health condition, which is demonstrated by relevant supporting documentation (e.g. uncontested medical certifications)

2. We seek compensation funds and free medicals for each household in Embalenhle and Secunda, Areas affected the most. You continued to employ 90% non locals both in professional levels and in Business.

  1. IMG-20250131-WA0002.jpg
    4. ⁠You owe our youth opportunities such as new hospital, university, business funds, and bursaries. These should all be 90% locals screened by MBBC


  1. Prioritise the local communities that are affected by this deadly respiratory illness.
  2. 2. **Clean Up Communities**: Fund health programs and environmental rehabilitation in areas like Mpumalanga, where air and water pollution have caused respiratory illnesses and contaminated ecosystems.

  3. 3. **Transition to Renewables**: Commit to phasing out coal-to-liquid fuel projects and invest 50% of profits into renewable energy (solar, wind, green hydrogen) by 2030.

  4. 4. **Public Transparency**: Release real-time pollution data and allow independent audits of Sasol’s environmental impact.


    ### **3. Key Facts to Include**
    - **Air Pollution**: Sasol’s Secunda plant is the world’s largest single-site emitter of greenhouse gases ([Source: Bloomberg](
    - **Health Impacts**: Mpumalanga’s “Deadly Air” (linked to Sasol and Eskom) causes 300+ premature deaths annually ([GroundWork report](

  5. - **Legal Violations**: Sasol has repeatedly missed South Africa’s air quality standards and faces lawsuits from environmental groups.
    - **Climate Hypocrisy**: Sasol profits from fossil fuels while claiming to support net-zero

  6. IMG-20250131-WA0001.jpg

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