Demand a proper education of Afro and textured hair in Norway!

Hairdressers in Norway have very poor training in Afro hair. The curriculum 
barely mentions it. Most people who work in the salon have no knowledge
and end up rejecting customers. This is unacceptable. We need to introduce more information into the education system. There
is no technical education, or information on maintenance, how to take
care of afro hair,
what products you use, or how to cut, color or style it. This is something we need to address. We can offer the students enough
knowledge to handle very curly hair. How to comb, dry, cut and style afro hair.
I would also emphasize maintenance. Products found in Norwegian hair salons are
not suitable for afro hair. If you do not have access to such products in the salon,
it is our responsibility to know where and what the customer should buy. That we cannot give a single piece of advice to a person with afro hair
must stop. I would like to encourage all schools, private and public,
to integrate people with experience in Afro hair, and to lower the requirements for
Norwegian language for these teachers. This is to positively discriminate against
the minority who actually have the knowledge we need. Whether they choose to
teach in English, or Norwegian. We don't need perfect grammar to understand hair.
If anything is unclear, we ask. If you think this is important, please sign this promotion. After that, we can
turn to and / or the government, to implement this knowledge! Thanks! Pål Berdahl

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